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Next.js 13.3 버전에서 App Route를 쓰면서 신나게 버그를 경험하고 있습니다.
크게 한 3가지의 고난/역경을 이겨냈으나 지금은 못 이겨내고 있는게 있습니다.
바로 route할 때 URL에 .txt가 붙는 현상인데요.
아래와 같은 현상이 일어납니다.
<Link href="/link" /> forwards to "/link.txt" · Issue #48996 · vercel/next.js
Verify canary release I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release Provide environment information Operating System: Platform: darwin Arch: arm64 Version: Darwin Kernel Ver...
GitHub Pages <Link href="/"> goes to to <user-name>.github.io/<repo-name>.txt · Issue #48414 · vercel/next.js
Verify canary release I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release Provide environment information Operating System: Platform: linux Arch: x64 Version: #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02...
Navigating to root route not working only adds .txt on the end · Issue #49042 · vercel/next.js
Verify canary release I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release Provide environment information Operating System: Platform: darwin Arch: arm64 Version: Darwin Kernel Ver...
저도 이와 같은 현상을 겪어서 찾던 중, github 내의 Discussions에도 없고, Stackoverflow에도 없어서
돌고 돌아 issue에 들어오니까 이런 현상을 확인하게 되었네요.
저는 너무 답답해서 이곳저곳 물어본 상황입니다.
I'm using Next.js 13.3 app route, I got self.__next_f.push and .txt file in routed URL · vercel/next.js · Discussion #49098
Hi there. I'm using Next.js version 13.3. I built with output: "export" for SSG, and I keep getting txt after the URL whenever I app route. (npm run build -> npm run start) This is my a tag in firs...
Next.js 13.3 appends txt to URLs when navigating pages
I'm a student just starting to study the web. I built a project with SSG (output: "export") for uploading to Cloudflare pages. I am using Next.js version 13. I used something called app
이래서 프레임워크의 새로운 버전에서 새로운 기능은 쉽게 쓰면 안되나봅니다.
특히 canary 버전에서는 조심!
해결 : Next의 버전은 13.3에서 13.2로 다운그레이드 하면 정상 작동함
<Link href="/link" /> forwards to "/link.txt" · Issue #48996 · vercel/next.js
Verify canary release I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release Provide environment information Operating System: Platform: darwin Arch: arm64 Version: Darwin Kernel Ver...